Module Lp_glpk_bindings.M


module F : Ctypes.FOREIGN


val set_term_out : (bool -> unit F.return) F.result
type prob = unit Ctypes.ptr
val prob : prob Ctypes.typ
val create_prob : (unit -> prob F.return) F.result
val delete_prob : (prob -> unit F.return) F.result
val set_prob_name : (prob -> string -> unit F.return) F.result
val get_prob_name : (prob -> string F.return) F.result
val set_obj_dir : (prob -> T.Dir.t -> unit F.return) F.result
val get_obj_dir : (prob -> T.Dir.t F.return) F.result
val add_rows : (prob -> int -> int F.return) F.result
val add_cols : (prob -> int -> int F.return) F.result
val set_row_name : (prob -> int -> string -> unit F.return) F.result
val get_row_name : (prob -> int -> string F.return) F.result
val set_col_name : (prob -> int -> string -> unit F.return) F.result
val get_col_name : (prob -> int -> string F.return) F.result
val set_row_bnds : (prob -> int -> T.Bnd.t -> float -> float -> unit F.return) F.result

set_row_bnds prob i bnd lb ub sets bounds of i-th row (constraint). If the row is not lower (upper) bounded, lb (ub) is just ignored. If the row is equality constraint (Bnd.FX), only lb is used and ub is ignored.

val set_col_bnds : (prob -> int -> T.Bnd.t -> float -> float -> unit F.return) F.result

set_col_bnds prob j bnd lb ub sets bounds of j-th col (variable). If the col is not lower (upper) bounded, lb (ub) is just ignored. If the col is equality constraint (Bnd.FX), only lb is used and ub is ignored.

val set_obj_coef : (prob -> int -> float -> unit F.return) F.result

set_obj_coef prob j sets the objective coefficient at j-th col (variable)

val set_mat_row : (prob -> int -> int -> unit Ctypes_static.ptr -> unit Ctypes_static.ptr -> unit F.return) F.result

set_mat_row prob i len indices vals sets the i-th row of constraint matrix.

val set_mat_col : (prob -> int -> int -> unit Ctypes_static.ptr -> unit Ctypes_static.ptr -> unit F.return) F.result

set_mat_col prob j len indices vals sets the j-th column of constraint matrix.

val load_matrix : (prob -> int -> unit Ctypes_static.ptr -> unit Ctypes_static.ptr -> unit Ctypes_static.ptr -> unit F.return) F.result

load_matrix prob ne ia ja ar sets the constraint matrix. The matrix is represented as an sparce matrix. for k=1 .. ne, value ark is set at (iak, jak) element.

val set_col_kind : (prob -> int -> T.Vt.t -> unit F.return) F.result
val get_col_kind : (prob -> int -> T.Vt.t F.return) F.result
val get_num_rows : (prob -> int F.return) F.result
val get_num_cols : (prob -> int F.return) F.result
val get_num_nz : (prob -> int F.return) F.result
val get_num_int : (prob -> int F.return) F.result
val get_num_bin : (prob -> int F.return) F.result
val init_smcp : (T.Smcp.t Ctypes.structure Ctypes_static.ptr -> unit F.return) F.result
val init_iocp : (T.Iocp.t Ctypes.structure Ctypes_static.ptr -> unit F.return) F.result
val simplex : (prob -> T.Smcp.t Ctypes.structure Ctypes_static.ptr -> int F.return) F.result
val intopt : (prob -> T.Iocp.t Ctypes.structure Ctypes_static.ptr -> int F.return) F.result
val get_status : (prob -> T.Stat.t F.return) F.result
val mip_status : (prob -> T.Stat.t F.return) F.result
val get_obj_val : (prob -> float F.return) F.result
val mip_obj_val : (prob -> float F.return) F.result
val get_row_prim : (prob -> int -> float F.return) F.result
val get_row_dual : (prob -> int -> float F.return) F.result
val mip_row_val : (prob -> int -> float F.return) F.result
val get_col_prim : (prob -> int -> float F.return) F.result
val get_col_dual : (prob -> int -> float F.return) F.result
val mip_col_val : (prob -> int -> float F.return) F.result